My name is Randy, and I am currently studying History and Literary studies at the University of Utrecht. This website is the spot where I will be going to publish some of my essays that I had to write for one of my university courses.

This website is also the place where I publish stories or posts about historical events or peoples. This part can be found under the header Historical. I will furthermore try to create some reviews of movies or books that I liked, these can be found under Movies or Books.

You might wonder, after reading all of this, why I would post all of this. The answer to this question is really simple. I love history and I want to share some of my creations with other people.

So, after saying all of this it has become time to tell you more about myself. Like I said earlier, my name is Randy and I love History. One of my hobbies is reading. I mostly read about historical topics, but I also like novels and classics.

Some of my most favorite books are Meditations from Marcus Aurelius (121-181 CE), Crime and Punishment from Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881), Man search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl (1905-1997) and last but not least the Lord of the Rings saga written by J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973).

Furthermore, I also like to watch movies or series. These can mainly be put in the sc-ifi, fantasy or historical genre. The movies that I like the most are the original Star Wars Trilogy.

At last, it has become time to explain the naming of this blog. The name refers to me being a History and literary studies student, and recently moved to Utrecht city.

“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”

Marcus Aurelius (121-181 CE), Meditations

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